Monday, 17 December 2012

Transformation in Chairs

In Design.


  Wassily Chair known as the Model B3 chair.


       Odyssey- Lounge chair.

In the 1919 there was an art school in Germany called the Bauhaus that combined crafts and fine arts. Many artists learned and been taught well and great designs were produced. Where as one of the famous designs was the Wassily Chair a designer called Marcel Breuer.  The tubes of gas inspired Breuer. Where as artists before him had the same idea but they connect them with connectors to hold them together but the pipe would not be neat. Breuer used a single tube and turns and twist till he got the shape of a chair and welded some parts for support. He covered it with draper so the person would sit comfortable. This product was made in1925/ till 1926. Some years later the Bauhaus had to be shut down because of the World War 2. It was a shame to unlock such a beautiful school with tons of talent, but there was nothing they could do. After the war the Bauhaus remained closed. Years of production and different minds of designers, today many achieved quite a good designs of chairs where thousands of different chairs are produced with distinctive materials, shapes, colours, textures, relaxing and much more. Alvin Huang is one of the newest designers today where he designed a special chair for a lounge. It is recommended for a lounge because of its shape and the simple white colour on it. He named the chair Odyssey, with the help of the design it can come up with the furniture and even its place or location of the new lounge.


Wikipedia, Wassily Chair, last Modified on the 3rd December 2012, [Online], [accessed on the 17th December 2012]

Minimalisti, Odyssey Lounge [online] [accessed on the 17th December 2012]

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