Thursday, 15 November 2012

Transformation in Art. De stijl.

In Art.




                             De Stijl

           De Stijl is pronounced in Dutch that means “ The Style” it was influenced by Cubism art. This style was found in Netherlands between 1917 and 1931, this new style was made to express harmony and order. Where colour and form had a huge role in it, artist’s simplified new composition with geometry of the straight lines, squares and rectangles they add them together to accomplish something new and interesting with the few they make. By order, is the form of lines where they are going and how thick they are? Whether with colour they only used the primary ones that are red, yellow and blue along with black and white. This style was not only with paint but also with furniture like chairs, tables, beds and even buildings.

           Inspired by The Style are these garage rock band in America. The White Strips they were released on June 20, 2000. They became famous by about two years and their numbers grow. Their cover album was almost the same as De stijl. They have a black background with vertical and horizontal black thick lines and with squares and rectangles floating around coloured in white and red. The two artists Jack White and Meg White are standing in the middle dressed in white to complete the composition. It also has De Stijl written at the bottom.

Transformation In Art. The Thinker

In Art.

The Thinker by Auguste Rodin.


                      The thinker by Honda.

             Auguste Rodin a French sculptor was the creator of this marvelous statue, The Thinker in 1880. It is made out of bronze that is a long progress to do such a wonderful statue like this but at least bronze stays for a long period. It is a slightly larger than a human figure size, muscular, 6 feet tall, weights approximately one ton, in a seated position with his right elbow touching his left knee and with his head resting on his right hand. Some say it is a way to meditation. It is situated on a large marble pedestal making it looking towards the ground thoughtful. It is placed in a high level so the people would see his face in his thinking attitude. Today it is located in the musée Rodin in Paris. There are some twenty copies of the thinker located in different countries.

The Thinker has inspired many artists and many models had been made. In 2007 a car company called Honda were inspired by this statue and made their own by parts from their car products. They did the car seat as his body with a screen interpreting his face. His legs and arms are made from shafts and other materials. He is also in the same position with his right elbow on his left knee plus looking to the ground and seated on three tyres. This was made for improving the company and makes it more interesting.

Auguste Rodin inspired many artists.

                 : The Thinker Honda

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Transformation in Volkswagen Golf Mk to Mk6

In Design.


Volkswagen golf Mk1 (1974)

Volkswagen Golf Mk6 (2008)

           The company Volkswagen began operating in the year 1937. The model Golf came a few years later where they wanted just a small family car. This Golf mk1 was the replacement of the Volkswagen Beetle because of its better performance like the front wheel drive and other that made the Golf mk1 so much attractive to the customers. Years over years, six different Golf mk1 were introduced from the1974 till 1980, one with more power, other hatchback, diesel power, face-lift and other.

       Years past and till today six models came out from the Golf mk1 till the Golf mk6. The Volkswagen Company sold them like sweets, one after another and with customers waiting. They were always a good condition car and responding well to the driver. Of course if you drive the mk6 it’s more powerful, fuel efficient, modern, new technology than the mk1, but for it’s time it was a very good car.

         There are 38 years between the first edition and the last one. If we start with the body it is more flowing and lower for preventing from air resistance, better headlights and taillights to be brighter but not to blind other drivers, better coatings of spray to be less scratched, better windows with much more room to see and tinted well. The wheels are much larger and with more area of tyre to avoid large hit into the persons even to the car with that it has to have a better suspension with shock absorbers and springs, to balance and make the car less bumpy.

      The interior is something different from both of them the mk1 it is just a simple dashboard with some buttons like wipers, hazard lights, light on/off and some more, the seats just in one form, less room and with no safety. Whether the mk6 with all the new technology of central locking, electronic windows, gps, air condition, seats fitted to your back, steering level to your height, sensors and much more. The interior is extraordinary and with more safety features.

     It is rule that something new it has to better a design and with superior technology. If not, nobody will buy their product and by interesting the customers the design is their first sight for buying. The better the merrier.

                 : Golf mk1 photo
         : Golf mk6                 : VW Logo http://leaderswedeserve.files.word

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Transformation in film (300)

In Film.

             This film is based on a comic book lasting from 1998. It is on a battle where king Leonidas and his 300 soldiers are fighting against Persian “god” and his army of more than one million soldiers. In the film a narrator, which was one of the soldiers that survived, was describing the scene. It has some slow motion shots to depict the strength and rage in them. It even has dark parts but it is still not a film-noir.

In this film the main character, the hero, the king was as known King Leonidas (Gerard Butler). Where in the first part of the film where it was harmony and even when it started to be conflicted he showed his power, his courage, who a real king should be protecting his people and his land, where he stood up for them and fought till the enemy was death. Even the lighting was bright to show these symbols and the sound with a loud, beautiful tone.

Where after several battles with thousands of soldiers against the 300, the king was tired and he couldn’t keep up. He came to one point that he had to bow for Persian “god”; he did so because they just felt restlessness all the time. The only thing that was keeping him strong was his queen, his wife. He continues battling till the end. We can see this because his cabe was torn; his body all washed up with dirt and mud and with several cuts. His armor was in a bad condition the helmet was damaged, his shield was bend and damaged as well.

The 3-act structure worked even in the character where at first he had everyone in peace and ruling his kingdom while conflict came with several battles and deaths. Where at the end harmony came when he was thinking about his wife.

 Sources: Information on the film
             : 300 Trailer 
             : This is Sparta clip
             : Final Battle
             : The film itself.